January 1, 2014

Cinnamon Rolls Are Evil.

I don't know what Cinnabon puts in these, but it has to be the most evil thing in the universe. Each roll is so tasty, and so flavourful... almost overly so. And they're heavy to boot. It's sinful.

So, you finish one roll, and find yourself feeling stuffed already. But it was so tasty, you want another!! Just... you know that if you do eat another, the strong cinnamon taste will probably turn you off cinnamon for the rest of the week, and you won't get to enjoy the rest of the box.

...and so, you have no choice but to keep yourself in check, for the greater good. Evil, I tell you.

Why I Don't Want to Leave Shin Megami Tensei IV's World

I thought I was done writing about Shin Megami Tensei IV, but I suppose one is never done when it involves a game this good. Just yesterday, I found myself in the mood to take a break from DmC Devil May Cry and A Link Between Worlds, and decided to return to Shin Megami Tensei IV instead.

The last time I was playing Shin Megami Tensei IV, I stopped because the final portion of the game requires you to complete number of sidequests in order to proceed any further. One of these quests required that you find a certain kind of demon in Shinjuku... five of them, actually. The catch was that in order for any of them to show up on your map, you’d need to come across the first one so that your Navigation AI, Burroughs, could identify it and then track down the rest.

Needless to see, as with any quest of this sort, I spent a couple of hours wandering around Shinjuku without anything to show for it, and eventually, put the game down and moved on. I’d played through most of Shin Megami Tensei IV without a FAQ, and I didn’t really want to start using one now. I figured I’d take a break and come back to it later.

Last night, when I resumed my game, I was reminded that there was also another reason I didn’t keep playing SMTIV—it was because I didn’t want the game to end.